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A full day of programs and activities focusing on the arrival of Captain John Cook to Harpers Ferry and his marriage to Virginia Kennedy. Highlights of this day include family and youth activities and a dramatic presentation entitled, “My Conspirator,” the life of Captain John Cook as told by his sister, Kate.
Classroom Lesson Plan of the Month Contest
Help commemorate the sesquicentennial of the John Brown Raid at Harpers Ferry by creating an engaging lesson plan for your students. Your innovative lesson must cover some aspect of John Brown or the raid at Harpers Ferry. Submit your lesson plan for a chance to win a book courtesy of the Harpers Ferry Historical Association. This contest is open to all K-12 teachers. For complete rules please visit
John Brown’s Raid: Invasion at Harpers Ferry, Summer Institute for Teachers
From June 22-26, 4th-12th grade teachers can participate in a one-week workshop that will enable them to walk in the footsteps of John Brown and others involved in the raid on Harpers Ferry. Participants will be eligible for 3 hours of graduate credit. For applications and detailed
John Brown’s Raid 150th Commemoration
information on the institute, visit
July 11-12 - Kennedy Farm Open House
The 150th anniversary of the arrival of “Isaac Smith” and sons. The afternoon will include tours, demonstrations and refreshments. This event is sponsered by the Kennedy Farm Foundation. More information can be found at
July 12-14 – Web & Onsite Teacher Institute
We are currently working in partnership with American Public University System to offer an institute that will be three days on site at Harpers Ferry National Historical Park combined with online work requirements. This course will be a graduate level history course with a curriculum and instruction component. More details on this exciting new professional development opportunity will be coming soon. Please check
teachers-institute.htm for updates.
October 16-18 - Sesquicentennial Commemoration of John Brown’s Raid
Three days of public events focusing on the thirty-six hours of the raid on Harpers Ferry 150 years ago. The weekend will include music, drama, scholarship, living history, family and youth activities, and ranger conducted programs.
Information on these and other events commemorating the 150th anniversary of the raid can be found at
A Note from the Teacher’s Desk: Catherine Bragaw, Education Program Manager
I wanted to share with you our vision and mission. I am hoping that this will give a better understanding of who we are, what we are about, and our goal to assure Harpers Ferry is one of America’s Greatest Classrooms.
We believe all children deserve great parks and excellent educational experiences in our parks. We believe that in the meanings of these places, and through the voices of the past, the American story becomes real. It is in these stories that human spirit finds inspiration and insight.
We believe that in our parks young people can listen to the sound of America and in doing so can find their own voice. We believe in our parks, our young people can understand the struggle to build America and in doing so, find who they want to become. In this place and with us we hope that our young people can find the soul of America and in that discovery begins the shaping and the becoming of a new generation.
To ensure this our staff is dedicated to:
Emphasis on learning rather than process
Enhanced pedagogical understanding
Improved teaching techniques
Greater content knowledge
Empowered team work
Increased staff fulfillment
Positive, energized growth
Excellence in delivering place-based education
Catherine Bragaw
Education Program Manager


Indian schools are all set to implement a high-tech solution that will enable the school and parents to monitor students' entry into and exit from school buses.

Called RFID and GPS based tracking system; the state-of-the-art monitoring system will already been adopted by many renowned schools and the process of adoption is still going on.

"We have been working on this system for quite sometime so children can be monitored to ensure their security and safety," said the manager, Agnicient Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

A Noida (India) -based IT solutions provider, Agnicient Technologies Pvt. Ltd. will implement this automated Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and GPS-based student tracking system in the school's buses. Agnicient Technologies Pvt. Ltd. uses a combination of RFID, GPS (Global Positioning System) and GPRS (General Packet Radio Service) technologies.

RFID is a type of automatic identification system whose purpose is to enable data to be transmitted by a portable device, called tag, which is read by an RFID reader and processed according to the needs of a particular application.

All the buses of schools will be equipped with RFID readers and each student will be given an RFID card (pictured) which incorporates GPS and GPRS technologies, with all the student's particulars printed on it.

Using the technology, the parents will get a text message every time the student gets into the bus and alights while going to the school from home and when returning. Alert messages will also be sent to the school authorities.

"This technology will give peace of mind not only to the parents but also to us," said School principal, adding parents had been consulted with regard to the scheme and they had given positive feedback.

"Parents were favorable with the system because ultimately it means security and safety for the students," he said, adding he could see that other schools could adopt it in the future.

Agnicient Technologies Pvt. Ltd. manager said the application software displays not only a real-time view of the location of the bus but also the student inside the bus at any point in time.

"The system can be configured and could be converted into a smart card in the future to have other functions," Manager explained, adding RFID readers could be installed in other locations in the school as needed to further ensure the safety of students.

He also said the text messages would be very specific. For instance, if a child is still inside the bus five minutes after the vehicle's engine is turned off, a text message will be sent to the school authorities.

It means that this system from Agnicient Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Will answer the question more prominently that “Its already 10 PM do you know where your child is???????????

But now every parent and school administration knows.

Emotional Abuse In the Name of Academic Success in Indian Schools

Child abuse is a very serious matter in western schools and any teacher, parent and school involved in child abuse have to face the law. In spite of serious steps we still see some cases of child abuse here and there, but majority of children are safe from abuse. This is not the case when it comes to developing and under developed countries.

Many countries didn’t address child abuse because of their culture and lack of awareness about the issue. Some countries officially announced child abuse as illegal, but they are not serious in enforcing the law. India is one of those countries that made child abuse illegal, especially in schools but doesn’t enforce the law strictly. This is causing an enormous physical and emotional damage to the younger children.

In recent years there is no more canning of students in schools, especially in private schools. Parents are not at all tolerating their children being canned or spanked by teachers. This is a very good sign of change, but abuse is still predominant at homes. However, there is a different form of abuse that is happening in every private school in the name of academic requirements and student success. I call it as “emotional abuse” What is so sad is educated parents are also supporting the idea without even noticing that the excessive workload on students is causing an enormous ‘emotional damage’ to the younger minds.

Private schools are very attractive to parents because they offer quality education to students, and they provide special coaching to students to prepare them for professional courses like Engineering, Medicine, and IIT (Indian Institute of Technology), highly reputed engineering and technology institute. While it is a good concept to prepare students to do well in school exams and also in entrance tests, it is sad that children are excessively burdened with school work and preparation.

For example, none of the private schools allow their students leave the school before 6 hours. They are at school almost 9 hours, instead of recommended 5 ½ hours. In addition to this many students attend before and after school tuitions, and still have to finish their 2-3 hour homework after all these sessions, irrespective their grade levels.

When I look at school children in India my heart bleeds. Parents want the best education for their children, which is fair enough, but they are not noticing that with an excessive workload children are at abuse. This abuse of children must be stopped for the welfare of their physical and psychological well being. Since schools want to offer what parents demand, parents must take initiative in stopping this kind of abuse. On the other hand, teachers and educational experts must also make an effort to educate parents about this type of bad practice in schools. This I call a step toward a positive change, and perhaps an indicator of developing nation.

Childrens English education

The Flash Powerpoint programs listed below are suitable for various ages and standards for children and young people learning English as a second language. They are also useful for children in English speaking schools learning to read and for older students with learning difficulties.

Action verbs link

Matching sentences link

Rhymes for learning EnglishMore link

More rhymes for learning English

Poems for children


Sam and Jenny stories

The Wishing Apple

Alphabet song

Basic English reading/vocabulary with phonics

Books,etc. for TEFL


Free education has long been identified with "sponsored education". This may now evoke images of advertising campaigns, but

in the past, especially during the Renaissance, it was common practice among rich dignitaries to sponsor the education of a

young man as his patron.[citation needed]

In the late 1700s, Thomas Paine was amongst the earliest proponents of universal, free public education, which was

considered to be a radical idea at the time.

In the United States, government compulsory education was introduced as free or universal education during the late 1800s,

and extended across the country by the 1920s.

Compulsory education is typically funded through taxes. Aggravated truancy can be prosecuted. Homeschooling or private or

parochial schooling is usually a legal alternative.
Free education on the Internet
Please help improve this article by expanding it. Further information might be found on the talk page. (October2008)

Online education has become an option. One of the pioneering Universities to sponsor free education in management is the

School of Business and Economics at Umeå University. Free education has become available through several websites, some of

them resembling online universities. Online education faces barriers such as institutional adoption, license/Copyright

restrictions and incompatibility, and educator awareness of available resources[6].

Due to the extensive requirements of material for online education, many open community projects have been initiated.

Specifically, the Wikimedia Foundation has developed a project devoted to free online educational resources, Wikiversity,

and recently, several other sites for specific topics have developed. MyMCAT was designed as a free community project to

aid students wishing to take the MCAT. was launched in March 2010 as a free online knowledge and learning

platform. Users and experts upload multimedia content to expand specific topics.

World University and School aggregates free, open teaching and learning content on the internet. World University and

School - - is a global, digital, open, free-to-students, potentially

degree-granting Wiki university and school, potentially in all languages, nation-states, subjects and at all levels, using

a Wikipedia-with-MIT Open Course Ware model, for everyone, especially OLPC countries and the emerging world, which anyone

can edit, primarily by teaching, adding, or learning.

Free Education

Free education is a political term referring to education that is funded through taxation rather than tuition fees.

Although primary school and other comprehensive or compulsory education is free in many countries, in the Nordic countries

all education is mostly free (often not including books (from primary) and a number of administrative and sundry fees in

university), including post-graduate studies.[1] In Sweden and Finland, there is no fee for foreign students enrolling at a

university, although they may not be eligible for the monthly study allowance and loan most nationals are. Answers to some

of the frequently asked questions about studying in Sweden may be found online.[2][3]. Denmark also has universal free

education, and provides a monthly stipend, the "Statens Uddannelsesstøtte" or "SU", to students over 18 years of age.[4]

Several other European countries, such as England and Germany, have had a history of some form of free education, as has

Australia. In the 1970s the Australian Labor Party led by Prime Minister Gough Whitlam introduced reforms which ensured

free tertiary education. These reforms were removed later in the 1980s by the Bob Hawke Labor government. Students and

radicals opposed the introduction of tertiary fees in the 1980s, and played an important part in forcing the Whitlam

government to implement the free education system. Ireland and Argentina provide free education at all levels, including

college and university.

In Brazil, free education is offered through of the Ministry of Education of Brazil that offers scholarships for graduate

degrees, master's, doctoral and post-doctoral for the Brazilians and immigrants who have Brazilian citizenship. The best

universities and research centers are public institutions, either financed by the local state (state universities) or by

the federal government (federal universities). These public universities provide a great service to the country in

preparing professionals. Graduate students can get paid if they qualify for the incentive, but competition is extremely

fierce. There has been a proliferation in the last 10 years of private universities, which are interested in providing

professional training to their undergraduates. These private colleges are not interested in nurturing research centers,

since it is not part of their business model to get involved with research. Elsewhere, free education usually comes to

students in the form of scholarship and grants, if they cover all or most of students' expenses while at school. Providers

of grants and scholarships may be individuals, institutions (often the school itself), advocacy initiatives, etc. They may

have economic (e.g. tax-deductibility), humanitarian, charitable or religious motivations.

There are examples of steps towards free education being taken across the world primarily in those nations developing

rapidly, such as China.[5] In some developing countries like Sri Lanka education is free from the primary level up to the

tertiary level. The renowned centers of learning in Libya and Cuba may be attended free of charge.


Education in Germany:

Education in Germany occupies a high level of importance.There are different German States which have different laws pertaining to the education system of the state, but generally each state coordinate with others to create unified and balanced educational system in the whole country.The Educational system of Germany is quite different from the Known US Education system .University education in Germany is of good quality as proven by the country's university education status in university and academic rankings worldwide.

There are no study fees for Education in Germany.Higher education institutions welcome all international students, however they have to arrange for their living expenses on their own which will be DM 1300/month.

Undergraduate education in Germany Requires one year bridge program. Eligibiltiy in this bridging course,students are required to have excellent academic record and must have basic knowledge of the German Language.

In Germany's education system some of the Management courses require GMAT, & some engineering programmes require GRE.TOEFL is also a standard test required for programmers have English as a medium of instruction.

You will have to apply for the admissions directly to the unversities. Students can get the Application forms from the International offices of Universities, then filled applications have to be sent back to the university along with the authenticated copies of your certificates and cerfitificates confirming your knowledge of German( if required).

Visa for International Student:
  • A Language course Visa---cannot be subsequently converted into a student visa, valid for only for the duration of the course

  • A 3 month study visa, valid only if you have not yet obtained university admission and after getting the admission immediately it should be converted into a resident permit for student purpose at the office for foreigners.

  • Visa for study purpose , valid for one year. For getting this should provide proof of admission and financial supposrt for the duration of study.

"The visa application is submitted at the German Embassy or the German Consulate in your country."

Top Universities of Germany:

  • Technical University, Munich
  • University of Bonn
  • University of Freiburg
  • University of Goettingen
  • University of Heidelberg
  • University of Munich
  • University of Frankfurt
  • University of Hamburg
  • Uniersity of Muenster
  • University of Berlin


Education in Malaysia:

Education in Malaysia will provide you everything most of the students desire from their education institutions. Malaysia is not only an excellent place for education but is also having rich history and fascinating culture.

Ministry of Higher Education & Ministry of Home Affairs are the two authorities which allows international students for higher education. Malaysia is having nearly 500 higher educational institutions, but only 200 of them are allowed to recruit international students.

Students are not required to apply to the Immigration Department, where as the Malyasian Educational institutions which recruit international students will apply for a Student pass on your behalf in Malyasia. The educational institutions will submit the applications to the Director of Pass & Permit Division, Malaysia Immigration Department.

The Immigration Department in Malaysia will inform the students about the application status through the corcerned educational institutions within 7 days of the application.

Student should also check the list of recognized certificates by country established by the Malaysian Embassy to check whether the his qualification is acceptable for further education in Malaysia or not.

Most of the Malaysian Universities accept GRE,GMAT & TOEFL/IELTS score to verify the academice grade of international students.

Top Educational Universities in Malaysia:

  • University of Malaya
  • Open University Malaysia
  • Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
  • University Putra Malaysia
  • Multimedia University
  • Sunway Campus, Monash University
  • Malyasia Campus University of Nottingham
  • University Tunku Abdul Rahman
  • HELP University College
  • International Islamic University Malyasia


Education in Singapore:

Education system in Singapore offers quality eduction opportunities to all students. The Government of Singapore aims to offer a diverse and distinctive mix of educational services, it is constantly promoting and developing the education industry for the international recognition of Singapore educational institutions.

International students must apply for a Student's pass if they are accepted by an educational institution. Student will receive a Letter of Acceptance from the institution, which will be valid for 2 weeks, then the student should compulsorily meet the Immigration & Checkpoints Authority to apply for a Student's pass. Application for the Student pass should be submitted to the ICA 2 months in advance from the date of commencement of the course.

Normally, it takes 4 weeks to complete the visa processing stage.

Fluency in English is must to apply for a student visa to Singapore.Most of the Singapore educational institutions accept :
  • TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language)
  • IELTS ( International English Language Testing System)
  • GCSE (General Certificated of Secondary Education )

Necessary consular information can be checked with High Commission of Singapore and the Singapore Immigration and Checkpoints Authority.

Top Education Institutes in Singapore:

  • Anglo Chinese International School
  • Austin Institute
  • Asia Pacific School of Business
  • Cambridge School of Education
  • Curtin Singapore
  • EASB Institute of Management
  • Informatics Group ( Singapore )
  • Harriet Education Group
  • JCU Singapore


Education in Dubai:

Education in Dubai boasts high level of education.In UAE there is a real awareness about the education system, which is constantly updating the policy. The Ministry of Education of UAE has comes up with a policy which shows the strategy for educational development in UAE. There is continuous investment in education infrastructure which helps for the development of the country.

In the field of education UAE has advanced in many areas within the past few decades.English is a medium of instruction in most of the educational institutions.

The educational system of UAE was established in 1970, which covers 14 years of education.

Visa or residence permit is required for the international students, which is not difficult because it is issued by the university itself. Dubai's universities have authority to issue student visa for education. Student should check with the university about the requirements for getting the student visa.

Admission eligibilties for graduation and postgraduation may vary form one institution to the other, as each has its own admission standards, hence it preferable to check with the institution prior to admission.

Top Universities and Colleges in Dubai:

  • Dubai University College
  • Dublin Business School
  • European University College Brussels
  • Al Ghurair University
  • Dubai School of Government
  • MAHE-Manipal
  • American University in Dubai
  • Birla Institute of Technology and Science.
  • British University in Dubai


Education in France :

Education in France is commonly accepted that the education in France is one of the best and is one of the more successful in the world.France education remain world leader in certain fields.Education in France is well organised, well-funded.

Education System in France has two different type of educational insititutions a student can choose from "Universities" and "Grandes Ecoles"(Competitive Insititutes).The graduate admissions to the universities are decided by the selection committees based on your previous academic background and experience to the course you are interested to study in. After that you will receive a letter of confirmation from the university.

"For admission into graduation require minimum of 50 % of marks in Secondary examination."

"For admission into postgraduation courses require minimum of 60 % of marks in graduate level and your age should not be more than 28 years."

Admissions into both levels require a bonafide confirmed admission letter from the concerned university and a recommendation letter from a professor of the University last attended.

Student have to appear for a competitive exam- " Concours", if he wants admission to a " Grande Ecole". For this competitive exam which will held in France, you can obtain a special 3 month competitive exam visa .

Admissions to Postgraduate system in France is highly competitive, as each institution sets its own admission standards and criteria.

For getting an visa following documents are required:

4A Valid Passport
4Registration Certificate from French University /Grandes Ecoles
4Proof that you are having sufficient resources to cover your education expenses & expenses for one year of stay.

Top Universities of France :

  • Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris
  • Polytechnic School (France)
  • University pierre and Marie Curie-Paris VI
  • Ecole Normale Superieure de LYON
  • Sciences Po Paris
  • Paris-Sud XI University
  • Paris - SORBOUNNE University
  • University of Strasbourg
  • Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussees
  • Ecole Normale Superieure Letters et Sciences Humaines.

The Franch government for education runs an information service called EduFrance (, which helps the international students with their application.


Education in New Zealand :

Education in New Zealand has reputed world wide for providing world class education with excellent study oppurtunities in a safe learning environment.New Zealand's national education system is based on the British System.Education system in New Zealand is fast becoming a popular choice for international student seeking quality education.Over 50 countries choosing New Zealand for their University and English language studies and the students are ranked amongst the top in the world academically. More over New Zealand is an extraordinarily beautiful country to visit and to study in.

For admission in New Zealand requires a completion of 12 years of elementary and secondary education, where most universities requires a minimum of 75% aggregate marks and 60% in English as qualifying parameter. Most of the Universities accept only original copies of academic certificates and transcripts as evidence for the admission.

For admissions into Post graduation programmes, universities requires a good degree from a leading universities. Students may require to take the IELTS, if he is not proficient in English.(Every institute has its own minimum scores with respect to this test.)Some universities accept the TOEFL scores instead of IELTS.

You need a student visa if you want education in New Zealand for more than 3 months.Students will get the required froms by the New Zealand Government office in your country. To apply for an student visa normally includes:
  • Have an Offer of a place from a New Zealand education provider
  • Should meet the health and Character requirements
  • Provide proof that you have enough funds to support yourself
  • Provide proof that you plan to leave New Zealand once you finish your education
  • Have passport that should be valid for atleast 3 months
For getting the student visa all these document are essential. When the New Zealand government office is satisfied that your application is complete, you will be issued a Studen Visa.

Top Universities of New Zealand:

  • Auckland University
  • Auckland University of Technology
  • Waikato University
  • Massey University
  • Victoria University
  • Canterbury University
  • Lincoln University
  • Otago University
Official New Zealand Education website (


Right Education

Education in Canada :

Education in Canada is truly one of the best choices when it comes to your education. The Universities of canada are among the top in the world in various fields and known for the quality of teaching and research. Degrees from Canadian Education system are considered to be equivalent to those from American and other Commonwealth Universities.

Most of the Universities in states other than Ontario and Quebec require a minimum of 12 years of formal education for entry in to Bachelor degree courses.Where as Universities of Ontario and Quebec require a minimum of 13 years of secondary education.i.e, 12 years of schooling and 1 year of college education .But if your Academic credentials are very impressive, some Universities may admit you in Bachelor degree with 12 years of education.

Many of the Canadian Universities require you to take one of the Standardized tests like GRE,GMAT along with English proficiency tests like TOEFL, TWE and IELTS.
However, TOEFL is commonly accepted but some of the Canadian universities often have their own tests or else they may accept other English examination tests such as the IELTS.

All International students are required to obtain a Student Authorization and Visa before going to Canada for education and should also meet the requirements of the Canadian immigration Act and Regulations.

  • Completed student Application Form.
  • Completed Supplementary Questionnaire for students and post doctoral researchers.
  • Official letter of acceptance from the Province of Quebec(only if you plan for university of Quebec)
  • TOEFL/IELTS Scores
  • Passport( valid atleast for one year from the planned date of entry to Canada)

Students will be having an interview with a Canadian Visa Officer and student must pass a medical examination based on the medical instruction issued by the Canadian High Commission.

Top Universities of Canada :

  • McGill University
  • University of Toronto
  • University of Western Ontario
  • University of British Columbia
  • Queen's University
  • University of Alberta
  • University of Montreal
  • Universite Laval
  • Universite de sherbrooke
  • University of Saskatchewan



Education in UK ::

Educational Universities in the UK have been renowned for their excellent standards in the field of Higher Education.Over 150 universities and colleges equipped with latest facilities for teaching and research.The UK Education system is among the best education systems in the world.The UK Goverment invites students from all over the world to apply and study in UK institutions. Eligibility to Enter into OXFORD, CAMBRIDGE and LONDON University requires "A" level results .i.e, in Indian terms one year in a college after 12 years of Education.Most of the Post Graduat Universities in UK accept the Indian graduation system of 3 years for entry.

The United Kingdom is made up of 4 different countries: England,Scotland, Wales & Ireland.

and the UK has two Distinct Education Systems:

  • England,Wales and Ireland
  • Scotland
Whether it is Undergraduate studies or Post graduate studies,UK education system offers you studies with quality.

The UK Student visa application process are that one of the educational institutions endorsed by the Department of Education and Skills should accept the student.
Students have to take the IM2A Forms , which are available free of cost at the British Embassies,has to fill the form and to be submitted to the embassy along with the Visa application fee and required documents:

  • A Letter of Acceptance on the course

  • Evidence that you can pay the course fee and support yourself and your family, if applicable

  • Interview ia also a part of the Visa application process.

"Eligibilty is calculated using the New UK Visa points based system, in which student have to score 40 points to apply for a student visa for education in UK"

Top Universities in UK::
  • University of Oxford
  • University of Cambridge
  • Imperial College London
  • University of St. Andrews
  • University College London
  • University of Warwick
  • London School of Economics
  • Durham University
  • University of Exeter
  • Bristol University



Harvard University n Education in US :

Education in America , the American Education system offers you some of the most respected insituitions in the world. The US hosts more international students than any other country in the world, who comes from far to get the best Education. Universities like Harvard, Stanford, MIT, Julliard are some of the Educational Instituions which attract most to the international students. Ofcourse everyone wants to be a part of Harvard university which celebrated its 350th anniversary in 1986,which gives you the best education.

Eligibilty criteria that American Education System requires is that the students should complete 12 years of Primary and Secondary Education prior to attending a University or College. For Higher Education, the students should compulsorily complete 12+4 years of Schooling before applying for a Master's program.

American Education system wants the students to take few test for testing their English proficiency such as TOEFL,IELTS & PTE Academic.

The Instiution will send you a form " I-20", it is an Visa Application and will be used together with your visa,passport and other documention to enter the United States."You will be able to apply for a visa only after the insitution has accepted you to study there."The Immigration rules in the United States are very strict and Specific,so it is your duty to know and obey them, if required consult your legal experts.

Some of the Top Universities of US:

  • Princeton University
  • Stanford University
  • Harvard University
  • Yale University
  • California Institute of Technology
  • University of Pennsylvania
  • Columbia University
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Duke University
  • University of Chicago



Education in Australia :

Education in Australia offers you unmatched learning oppurtunities that receive world wide recognition and unending possibilities for growth.

Eligibility for Graduate admissions:: You must submit your full details of your previous education and grades for each course .You must submit your records from your previous colleges. Most of the Australian universities require you to take the English Proficiency test(IELTS or TOEFL).

Post Graduate programmes accept a 3 year undergraduate degree,where as some requires an honors degree with an minimum of 16 years of formal education. For Management post graduation courses student might requires them to take the GMAT.

National Visa's Australia wizard help you finding the course that best suits your needs easy.

Australia's Experienced Education Advisors are not only help you find courses and instiStudent visatutions that suits you, but also provides assistance for Course admission and to get the COE(Confirmation of Enrollment)

For getting the Australian Student Visa you will required to provide proof of the Australian Immigration Dept that you can pay for the course of Education, living expenses,medical expenses,school fees and accomdation costs in Australia . Latest information about Educations.

Australia's Top universities list ::Ranking 2009

  • Australian National University
  • University of SYDNEY
  • University of MELBOURNE
  • University of QUEENSLAND
  • MONASH University
  • University of NEW SOUTH WALES
  • University of ADELAIDE
  • Univesity of WESTERN AUSTRALIA.